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Revolutionary and Transformational Courses

Heal, connect, transform, and serve the highest, widest, and deepest good of all life everywhere.

You will find nothing like this anywhere.

21 and older only.

A Course in Divine Ecstatic Love - building our Organic Energetic Intelligence

Built around the meditations and practices in the book, Highest Widest and Deepest Love Manifest Now.

Please enter the space of this work with a clear loving intent and desire to serve the collective consciousness of humanity and the earth.

This is the beginning of something incredibly beautiful.

Let's build our organic energetic intelligence,.

When you get this course and sincerely engage these six daily practices, you never do so alone.

We are forever entangled in the energy of divine ecstatic love.

With this course, you get all the audios, videos, and supporting materials found in the book.

The latest and most exciting feature: Through the rapidbook video, breathe and energetically download the book in 37 second cycles.

In this way, you are superconsciously learning all the material even before you consciously learn the meditations.

When you do drill down and learn the meditations, you will have already learned the meditations!

The Crown-Sacrum Superconscious Connection Course

Coming soon