
I am honored and grateful that you are here.

I am here to help you awaken, heal, and manifest your dream life. I do this by helping you tap into and unleash the energetic power of love. Combine this with your imagination and your tenacity, and you will become unstoppable.

Let’s do this!

Self-Love Affirmations

Take a few deep breaths, relax your body, and repeat these affirmations with passion and power from the center of your chest:

– Immersed in the infinite love that I am – I love myself wholly and unconditionally.

– I love myself radically, fiercely, and gently.

– With every expanding breath I take – I fall more in love with my very own being.

– I hold myself in high esteem and embrace myself in waves of light.

– Every day in every way – my self-love grows stronger.

(Cycle back through them as often as you would like. These are energy-infused affirmations. Every time you repeat them, you are receiving healing energy  on a nonlocal level for your highest good now)

Click here to get more of these

Abundance Affirmations

Feel free to breathe as deeply as you can, relax, and repeat these with all the soul-force of your mind and body:

– Within the infinite being that I am – this whole universe is unfolding through my body and mind now. 

– I am rich beyond all measure.

– I am wealthy in thought, emotion, energy, and ideas.

– I am one with the full manifestation of my desires.

– I am the essence of abundance.

– I am divine love.

– All my sacred intentions are already manifest within the ground of consciousness within me.

– I enjoy the feelings of gratitu
de and delight in witnessing them materialize in physical form.

(Come back often to repeat them again and again — with deeper feeling each time)

Click here to get more of these

Self-Love video

Place a hand on your heart, and another hand on your belly, breathe deeply, and watch this inspiring self-love video.

My books, audios, and courses

Here is a sprinkling of some of my work….

This is a short book that shows you how to start a powerful micro-meditation practice.

This is another short book that provides potent self-love affirmations and cutting edge methods of installing them into your subconscious mind.

Here are the self-love affirmations in audio format — recorded and professionally mastered by the author.

This is a short book of very potent money affirmations with proven ways to install them deep into your mind. Have a better relationship with money, starting now.

This is the money affirmations delivered in audio format. Listen daily. Breathe deeply. Take action. Become unstoppable

And here are several three minute videos with the affirmations and money images delivered in rapid format directly into your nervous system.